My student spirit is a slice-of-life mystery drama that takes place in Moscow, Russia and follows two students - Dmitry Bratsky and Elijah Douchnov - in very unusual circumstances. Elijah is a ghost of a straight-A student, tied to the dormitory, unable to move on, as "his" room keeps being offered to new students, one of which ends up being Dmitry Bratsky - a party-loving, ord...$今天终于有词条了,太可爱啦!!!再等不到更新我就要去世了......希望等到它完结我还活着🙏$年更番啊,这是😲$好玩,怎么没人来短评,看幽灵的都是幽灵吗,难道我也是幽灵😯$观感不错,人设鲜活,设定通俗也有新颖之处,蹲一波好评。$不错 单用磕cp眼光去看的话有点掉价了