The Japanese Communist Party has the longest history in Japan. With the LDP's unprecedented long-term ruling system solidified, the Japanese Communist Party is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The film follows the election campaigns of the party's young politicians, activists and supporters, and listens to their concerns and hopes. And asks. Can the Japanese Communist Party b...$看完感慨万千,不由想起曾经参加过安保的日本大叔意味深长地说“赢不过自民党啊”。希望还在。$及格的宣传片。意识形态角度没什么可指摘的,符合日共现在走自由派政治拉拢少数群体的趋势。对党内百年遗产的讨论非常少(除了老党员出来和zg割席嘻嘻),有一小段赤旗编辑部的故事拿出来单独做一部片应该会更有趣。另外注意到影片前半部采访的时候还会反打给访问者/导演,似乎有一些纪录片伦理上的意图,后面此设定完全没了,也比较谜。