"The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel" examines the creation of the State of Israel, covering a time period from early Jewish settlers and philanthropists in the 19th century to the Israeli declaration of statehood in 1948. The series tells the story through the perspective of Zionist leaders and visionaries such as Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir. 对五毛来说没有新内容。锅分得比较清楚,大英的锅又大又沉(张伯伦一人摊半个。要不是丘吉尔还会更大更沉)几次战争基本没提,Hagana没细讲差评。明明是Zionists辛苦创造的成果也要去跪舔上帝差评。制作经费也是略低,拍了几个画面重复使用差评。