Adapted from his autobiography, the film recounts the story of Hiroito, The King of Boca do Lixo (a region in downtown S?o Paulo of the fifties where various nightclubs, strip joints, prostitution, bars, and drugs can be found). Hiroito was a well born bohemian and at the age of 21 was accused for the murder of his father, who was violently stabbed over 40 times with a razor. H...$巴西圣保罗博卡皇后区一段无法无天的岁月,故事刚准备反思了,电影就戛然而止了。电影对于这个传记改编的故事大部分时间没有自己的立场,走马观花的展现一个年轻人的轻狂岁月,加上时间线的跳跃,剧情一直难以深入,就像电影中一场接一场的做爱,不过都是隔靴搔痒而已,全是肤浅的噱头和无用功。★★☆$博卡遇见阿来芝雅,一见倾心,我罩着你吧!睡了之后,博卡说你要过这种生活么?芝雅讲不是你叫我过的么?我们结婚吧!芝雅有点懵,然后嘴慢慢裂开微笑。$$讲述一个年轻人在博卡区的犯罪及入狱过程。传记改编的电影,平铺直叙,感觉没起伏也没什么意义。$