

导演:Ragnheidur Gestadóttir 

主演:Björk Dokaka Mike Patton 


A documentary that follows Björk and the making of her new album "Medúlla." Features the singing/beatboxing talents of Shlomo, Rahzel, Tanya Tagaq, Dokaka, Mike Patton, and Björk herself. Filmed all over the world, "The Inner or Deep Part of a Plant or Animal Structure" is a documentary you won't want to miss. Written by Sal Profaci
冷宫娘娘$拍的没什么特色,谈谈想法,展现下录音状况就完了。$一次团结紧张严肃活泼的人声实验,比起meredith monk大姐,都会更喜欢bjork吧$看比婆子怎么折腾一群人来为小时候的奇思妙想填坑$那些神奇的口技表演者,那些歇斯底里。


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