Despite boasting more Olympic gold titles for boxing than any other country, Cuba falls behind the rest of the world in its attitude to the place of women in the ring: to this day, there exists a nationwide ban on women's competitive boxing. The film captures the tireless battle of Namibia Flores Rodriguez, the only known female boxer in the Caribbean nation. Training at Havana...$post-revolution/Castro的古巴,胶片与数字拍摄质感共存,四十不惑,古董车漆上反射出其作为昔日古巴社会主义建设时女性模范身影亦是今日灯塔最后守护人般的存在,哈瓦那旧城的空镜,Namibia训练部分剪辑配合Afro-cuban(还有afro-brazilian?)音乐节奏满溢mulata的阳刚气质,adidas软植入(观众不难猜到Namibia后来是去了哪里),全片在很大篇幅内的意...