“Warrior Monks” and “Guardian Mothers” they call themselves, the martial arts champions who are members of an Italian sect living together in a monastery. Led by a Kung Fu master, they are like Shaolin monks but with a Catholic twist. Utterly devoted to their faith, they train constantly so they are able to combat evil in the name of the Father. Director Valentina Pedicini was ...$确实是很特别的拍摄对象,有点类似邪教,也有点类似意大利内陆自治社区(《幸福的拉扎罗》)的组织。我一直在找他们成员之间自洽的点,但几乎所有人都存在的悲伤让我到最后还是很难认同这个组织的合理性。拍摄组居然可以将这样的纪录片拍得如此intimate真的很厉害。$很特别的题材,难以挑剔的摄影;但是令人惊讶的亲密距离也使得影像太流于生活了,对于信仰其实没有在追问,好奇心被日常淹没了$MUBI.