This is one of the films that came out of a rejection of expressive camera work, sound, language, editing. I wanted to offer a rich experience of phenomena and associations that could come from a continuous moving image the length of a roll of film. The scene is a space of ceremony, of an offering. This is the world of my house in the country, of my marriage to a potter whose b...$是一副畫到畫的過程,一盤熱騰騰的玉米,唯有蒸汽飄散提醒你電影時間在流淌,最後回歸平靜的畫面,但電影時間依然繼續流淌。$经过时间的熬煮 腾腾热气的玉米被加上桌面 打破了静态空气 给凝固着的画面带来点生趣 热气不规则地飘散 直到冷却下来 画面又成了午後靜物畫。我喜歡他的描述時間。比紀錄片還陌生-2 @華山光點 tidf 20210509