The story is very basic; it deals with the adventures of young street-criminals in Madrid who graduate from car-theft to bank-robbery. What's interesting is the way Saura makes us care about these "hijos de nadie", who are kind and decent people 50% of the time, and feel they have no future in regular society. But the movie never sentimentalizes them - they do exactly what you'...$女主角的脸僵成这样还一直给特写,一直以为她会反杀$31届金熊$具有一些迷幻色彩$都说是平庸之作,其实也不尽然,总之看的很舒服,青少年犯罪与社会疏离感,应当是属于特定时期的表达…$青少年问题哪国都有。