An enormous Steinway & Sons piano dominates a cramped and untidy apartment in Buenos Aires, belonging to the 91-year-old twin sisters Isabel and Amelia Cavallini. Once they formed a celebrated piano duo with a blossoming career in the United States. Just as the instrument is actually a little too big for their modest residence, the sisters’ personalities no longer seem to fit t...$脸盲判断父亲是意大利籍的双胞胎依据是毛衣,值得观察的是两人共同回忆时发生的小小分歧,被继续进行涉及有“情感立场”的“记忆读取”过程打断或者再次达成共识,相似目的或者原理的做法还有给植物摘除枯叶,还原娃娃头部颜色和用走调的钢琴弹奏,一定的协同描述后相对非典型钢琴家性格的一人入镜继续言说时另一位“不在场”的痕迹变得明显起来,或许并用其他素材填充作为电影这种媒介的魅力使得短暂突破了局限性,在钢琴被拆卸前...$#2021IDFA·Luminous+Mar FF阿根廷竞赛·最佳长片,独立且共生 3.5/5$Maria说她带着预想未来自己的结局的想法拍摄这对年老的姐妹。