Lidija does not have an easy job, but she goes about it, assertively and efficiently, 24/7. As the go-to girl working for a dubious real estate company, her brief includes everything from evicting people from their flats to working hand-in-glove with her boss to cheat and bribe. She currently finds herself on a major building site supervising a group of illegal construction wor...$#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-全景。诺维萨德地方电影(纯塞尔维亚资金,包括国家文化部、电影中心及自治省的资助),年份写2016-2021,估计也是没什么钱,拍摄或者后期拖了很久,拍得有个演员都过世了(所以好多人物拍着拍着都不见了……)。但这也没法拉太多同情分,剧作抓不住重点(本来是个大女主戏非写成个双线,工人那边写得又很差),拍得又毫无章法可言(居然还特么有机械降反派的…...