The front doors of the expensive houses and apartments in Panama, where families and their domestic staff sometimes live together for many years, hide a world of ignorance and prejudice. Maids and Bosses uses smoothly edited atmospheric shots and interviews accompanied by music to create a picture of the complex relationships between employers and their staff. A variety of wome...$从其视角出发巴拿马城颇类似东南亚临海城市,有位施黑魔法企图倒转主仆关系瞩目,同相关家政工普遍性恰恰说明难以动摇与逾越的社会阶层之差,相当一部分从哥伦比亚贫困省份Chocó非法偷渡而来,多角泛泛而谈没有深意追究任何