A lightly presented nature documentary series. In each season, adventurous British zoologist Steve Backshall travels around the world to select sixty of the most deadly and interesting animal species, from insects to giants, many predators, others just armed with deadly defensive means. Every episode yields three or more of them, with something in common, such as the geographic...$一集3种致命动物,20集60种。跟着超级胆肥的史蒂夫一起冒险。$很喜欢这样有点儿科普向的纪录片$封面什么鬼???$挺喜欢这部纪录片的 团队和各种生物亲密接触很真实 不是那种动物世界的感觉…。亲自到达讲述,感觉特别好 也很勇敢,制作团队也出镜 都很可爱…$看啥致命动物都觉得好看OTL