The story of Lebanon is one of ongoing tragedy. A march of follies orchestrated by heads of state, sects, and militias. The Palestinians, French, British, Iranians, Syrians, Americans, Israelis and the Lebanese themselves, have all, at one point or another, contributed to the country's tragic history. Caught up in the chaos were the Lebanese themselves - made up of different se...$以色列人犯渾的帳果然還是要以色列人自己來算,全方位的挖掘深究。信息量過大以及過於沉重,才拖到現在才看完… 大概是以色列角度最完整的關於黎巴嫩(之於以色列)的敘述。採訪對象也全都是重量級,再次感謝編劇和Kan11🙏