The dashing Cowboy Jimmy, invincible hero of many a western, handles with his incomparable bravery a series of hair raising adventures. But we shall soon realize that we are just in a theatre right in the middle of a snow In the very moment when this western ends ]immy looses balance and »fails« from the screen among the audience. Having left the film, he is now in the real wor...$维度丰富的反类型。太棒$西部片的反类型了,西部片神话的没落,神勇的牛仔不小心从银幕中出来了,没想到居然被一群日常扮演牛仔的小孩子们耍的团团转,最后小孩子们把牛仔和自己的牛仔梦(帽子,彩色羽毛带等西部牛仔配饰)全都丢进了银幕,打破第四面墙的作品,虽然是1957年的作品,看起来还是颇多转折与趣味性。$把牛仔从电影屏幕里拽出来,再把牛仔扔进屏幕里。$2020.2.10$这个时期的动画确实还有浓重的美式风格。是典型的打破第四面墙的作品