Think of early electronic music and you’ll likely see men pushing buttons, knobs, and boundaries. While electronic music is often perceived as a boys club, the truth is from the very beginning women have been integral in inventing the devices, techniques and tropes that would define the shape of sound for years to come. As one of the film’s subjects, Laurie Spiegel explains: “W...$4.5,爽到了,顺便表白我女神Delia Derbyshire !$6.0 #202IKSV#现在回过头去看这些电子音乐的早期实验,就像追溯摄影术的来源。$Unspoken stories of electronic music and women’s creativity$佩服找资料的能力。女人与技术物。ADE同期电影展,选这部太合适。$LIFF第五部打卡