-Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who marries for the 3rd time, and Pierre, who arrives late for marriage - apologies, blame, lashing, quarrels, each is trying to live his life on his side. Benoit will become father without to be prepared. Lola fact the meeting of Zoher while she s'occupies her divorce. As for Pierre, his professional problems s'embittering. Everything in their l...$虽然俗套,叙事也略零散一点,但三位主演的表演和法式幽默还是让人能看下去。$还不错$很法國。。。。哈哈哈哈哈$6.2/10 这是一部讲述一个家庭子女之间故事的,极其生活化的影片。虽然在部分情节上仍旧能看出这三兄妹的心有灵犀和相爱相杀,但是却没能在这些部份有效的制造戏剧冲突和荒唐笑点,使得影片过于平淡。而包括三兄妹家庭成员在内,所有人物的故事几乎是独立成型,互相联系不紧密的情况下还未能足够切合'亲情'这一影片的核心主题。总体来说不过不失,闲暇之余消磨时光正好。$好羡慕lola!!! 有两个这么爱他的哥哥和一个帅帅的男人啧啧啧~~ 法国人真心浪漫 看得心里好暖