Waking up in her East Van apartment nursing another hangover, Lisa (Grace Dove) is served notice by her cousin’s ghost (Sera-Lys McArthur), "Your family needs you." Reunited with her Haisli kin in Kitimaat Village, she realizes that she’s meant to save her brother (Joel Oulette) from a tragic fate she’s foreseen since childhood. Of course, there’s also the matter of contending ...$呃呃呃呃呃,为什么Eden Robinson要自毁经典文本。剧本、立意、镜头、演员情绪表达,没有一个能及格啊. good spirit, bad spirit?? Christianize indigenous spirituality血淋淋的现场.......最后,我就希望我花的15刀能到Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations手上!!!!