In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children'...$对死亡的惧怕或渴望,沉重如呼吸;对母亲的留恋,像是携自于母体;从儿时到耄耋,时空尽情流转,仿佛在同一时间轴上跳跃的音符;Terence Davies 对时间的迷恋真是无可救药。$临终回忆一生。God and Mom and God. 圣诞和年轻的护士们。结尾的sounds太。。。$这样拍成长片才是杯具$长大和变老也是变形 相似性剪辑贯穿全片 从中年喝茶接老年 从孩子进教室到护士进门打招呼 给病床上的老人梳洗到给母亲绑绷带 母子俩圣诞节相拥转圈接中年时与缠着母亲走回家 从轮椅上的老人摇到下雨的窗边再摇回中年的Tucker 从这个镜头开始后面都非常漂亮 生命的终点 是小孩牵着母亲的手走向远方 老人伸手想抓住年轻健美的爱人的剪影 三部短片中都有的童声合唱 棺椁 教堂 母亲 同性爱 和缓缓流淌的镜头$撕裂人心的收尾。 T__T