“If you had to choose between me and your mother, who would it be?” Capitu asks provocatively of her problematic lover. Elsewhere, they dance to inaudible music, with their friends, each couple keeping to a rhythm of their own. At times, this depiction of the memories we see one Dom Casmurro commit to paper with a flamboyant pen seems to be an interplay of conflicting emotions ...$+.5$诗$3.5$#IFFR50#$表演和念白模糊了舞台和镜头的边界,书房的打光尤甚,整体看来就像是旁听了一场5个人举办的私人读诗沙龙,而不幸的是我这个人文学细胞为负数,因此非常不争气地睡了一会儿,但睡的不算舒服,毕竟涵义丰富的配乐也非常有存在感…