Winner of a record breaking, 6 Ballon d'Or's, Lionel Messi has proved time and time again that he is the greatest player of all time. He is the most award winning player, the highest scorer in La Liga, and at the age of 32, he is still performing at a world class standard week in, week out at Barcelona. Follow the journey of the Argentine prodigy and witness how he became the g...$秒懂百科流水线一类纪录片,没有深度,没有反思,基本就是过幻灯片一样介绍,制作也比较粗糙,重复镜头很多$流水账$和CR那個片同場流水出品同樣敷衍…因為20年出品還打了編劇說不可能轉會的臉hhhh 差評單純就片子而言,給大家避雷。$大致记录煤球王的发家史,有为俱乐部立下赫赫战功,有击败历史登顶等等个人成绩,但也有国家队贡献的滑铁卢$一个可以大概了解梅西的纪录片,但遗憾的还是没有梅西本人的直接参与。即使梅西已经30+,还是看上去很乖。