One night eighteen year old Kripa has a fight with his father over his stepmother. There is an accident.His father dies. He has murdered his father.Scared, he runs away from home. The night throws up characters and encounters for Kripa. Devi the street walker, Jonaki her transgenderpimp…Kripa is entrapped in the web of love, sex and jealousy. He murders again. Jonaki dies. Krip...$通过啪啪啪来禁yu,现在印度电影的尺度都超越天朝o(一︿一+)oo(一︿一+)oo$“三哥”这奇葩电影,我个人是完全不喜欢的,即使加入了成人内容,也完全没有美感。看点全无。$摄影蛮好$将神、修行与性,有机地揉合一起,深入探究性的秘密。影片叙事,看似有点随性,其实这是印度电影惯用的手法。$不色情,适合修行者来看看。讲如何对待性欲,涉及到谭崔的修炼论,挺好,这种粗糙的剧情+修行教导的结合方式估计也就印度能拍的出来,第一次看此类型的片子,挺有意思。