Description:A film screening of the documentary film “Europe At Sea”, written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Annalisa Piras followed by a panel discussion on migration and European security policy with Annalisa Piras, Bill Emmott, and Gillian Wylie. “Today the world is more volatile than at any time since WW II” – Europe at Sea The film obtained unprecedented access ...$添加条目。可能是唯二看过这纪录片的中国人。其实就是欧盟女外长Federica Mogherini的政治宣传片,拍了半天地缘冲突导致的难民危及,也没提个解决办法。导演是个记者+制片,片子带着左倾的色彩,把欧洲自己跟美国混搞出来烂摊子甩锅敌人俄罗斯,特别想给二星。