The Amazing Mrs Pritchard revolves around supermarket manager Ros Pritchard, who, angry with the state of British politics, stands for election as an independent candidate in her home town of Eatanswill, Yorkshire.[1] She soon gains national attention and wins the general election, becoming Prime Minister. Over successive episodes, Ros's spontaneous approach to decision making ...$十年前看只是一个荒诞喜剧,但这个plot放到如今精英政治摇摇欲坠的境况下竟彷如预言(purple alliance就是女权主义版的茶党、占领XX、Trump、五星运动……)。但有些悲剧的结尾却又预示草根政治难以持续(虽然只是编剧想为下一季做铺垫却未被续订的狗尾)。年轻的童姥从此走上影星之路