The Hollywood Ten (1950) is an American 16mm short documentary. In the short, each member of the Hollywood Ten made a short speech to denounce McCarthyism and the Hollywood Blacklisting. It was directed by John Berry and can currently be seen on the DVD film releases of Spartacus and Salt of the Earth. Director John Berry was blacklisted upon the documentary's release. He left ...$好莱坞十君子的珍贵录像。收录于《the naked city》 的花絮。$君子赤胆十豪杰。$"Ten men have been convicted, not of wrong-doing but of wrong thinking; that is news in this country and if I have not misread my history, it is bad news."$正巧被抓的十个全是剧作家,各个唇枪舌弹,字字珠玑,15分钟也可好看了$完全完全没有想到,在美国历史上居然也发生过这样的事情。非常有骨气有风度有涵养的十位作家。不过到底还是美国,还是自由民主的资本主义国家,闹成这样也只判了1年...