Chong Ren He was born in 1937 in a village in southwestern China, on the border with Tibet. He is a member of the Naxi people, an ethnic minority with only 300,000 members, fighting actively to preserve their millennia-old Dongba culture. It is a struggle he is now carrying on in front of a camera wielded by his documentary filmmaker daughter, who accompanies him on a trip to h...$有趣的是那一代人的矛盾。一方面在经历了那么多运动后被区别对待,另一方面却在自己的诗和毛泽东登在了同一本诗集上时表现的荣耀情绪;一方面说着自己甘愿做一个边缘人只忠于自己,另一方面则是在做这番表述的时候官腔十足。摄影和音乐设计出来挨打!没必要的镜头技巧、背景音乐和东巴文字特效妥妥的变成了电视纪录片而且跟全片风格并不相符,在电影院看的我直挠头。