When married Sarita discovers she can't have children, for the first time in their lives Reena can do something her perfect sister Sarita can't: get pregnant. Obsessed with helping her sister and winning her mom's approval, Reena decides she'll have the baby and then give it to her sister and brother-in-law, Mitch. Now she just needs to convince her commitment-phobic girlfriend...$原来我看过啊~$(英声法字幕)Lisa从沙发上掉下笑煞我。Lisaのmom。$女朋友喜欢的~$很自然,每个人物性格都很立体。想来美国1999年的片子,已经在用这种方式讨论这些问题,可见我们还有多长的路要走。$開放的不像那個年代和那個國家拍的呀,不過同性戀要孩子確實就是僅憑對另一半的感情來界定父母關繫的,如果戀人之間感情破裂了,或者是對孩子感情不夠,唉,血緣和倫理問題真的還挺無解的