Two young womens lives are changed forever in one moment. A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At nearly the same time, a very plain looking lower middle class woman simply faints and suffers brain death. The beautiful womans brain is fine, so, doctors merely transplant her brain into plain Jane. Problems ensue when...$以前小时候看的电影现在都还记得,终于找到了(其中有一个片段:医生对大家做演讲说,人类的身体可能是宇宙中最好的安放生命的容器,我们会尽全力挽救2人将来的生活)80年代的超前卫换脑手术~~~$小时候看的印象太深刻了,另一种方面的童年阴影,今天才发现不是换头,是换脑子啊$以前还没有财经频道的时候,是在有线二台放的,某个周六的下午1点半。两个车祸女人,换脑的故事。$这么好的电影怎么没人看过呢~~~$看到新闻,程序员换头,想到这个老片子,那时候是科幻,现在是正在进行时……