North Carolina produces more tobacco than any other state in America. Bright Leaves describes a journey taken across the social, economic, and psychological tobacco terrain of North Carolina by a native Carolinian, Ross McElwee, whose great-grandfather created the famous brand of tobacco known as Bull Durham. The comedic chronicle is a subjective, autobiographical meditation on...$人类学记录片,很个人化的片子,讲烟草和抽烟,以及小镇相关风土人情。$很希望国内有字幕组可以翻译下Ross McElwee的片子了$豆瓣把这个电影归到自然纪录片去了啊哈哈哈哈哈$北卡的烟草是TNC草遍全球的商品,也是在起源地逐渐破碎的非工业的文化共识。在由伪纪录片和烂梗意识形态批评转入细腻的虚构文本和家庭史后,烟草也变成了一个充满nostalgia的意象,让异乡人重新和祖先、家庭、土地、社区连接在一起。看完之后真想狠狠嚼槟郎了。$79/100