The series is set in a fictional galaxy of moons that is beset by the "Big Bad", a black cloud that drains the life and color of anything it touches. The galaxy's moons are protected by plantlike children called Moonflowers, who use their emotional states to activate magical "treasures" that are supplied by an infantile being named Little Dreamer, which can then be planted to g...$一开始以为是过家家式的互动,但是没想到 Kiazuki , Dazzlessence Jones 和 Sleepy Unicorn 都有各自的背景,从 Hanazuki 角度观察这几个角色有点意思。 / 我想说真的不希望出现 Hanazuki 和 Kiyoshi 有什么 romatic 的可能性……希望那只是我的错觉!我真的希望大家都是朋友啊。$B$😊$可爱ớ ₃ờ