1961年嘎纳电影节金棕榈提名,斯洛伐克新浪潮的先声。 The May 1961 premiere of The Song of the Gray Dove (Piesen o sivom holubovi, 1960) directed by Stanislav Barabas (1924-1994) marked the start of filmmakers' use of ideologically unassailable themes (in this case, the Slovak National Uprising) to tell stories that were true-to-life and yet were filmed creatively. The Song of the Gray Dove rejected the...$幽林水空明,泉中投硬币,下澈无所依,潭影空人心。$很可爱,喜欢~$此片系斯洛伐克著名作家和剧作家、1975年获功勋艺术家的称号伊凡·马克西莫夫 ,编写的自由与反叛三部曲剧本之三一$纯洁的儿童,高飞的鸽子,自由的天空,和平的向往,保卫我美丽的家园。$斯洛伐克新浪潮,拍摄技法上没什么可讲,几处太过用力的配乐和镜头显得夸张,文本上用独特的视角来表述战争,零散的故事揭示了战争的悲剧性,结局鸽子的重新起飞,注定孩子的倒地