You remember from where 1997's "L.A. Confidential" got its title, right? From the Fifties' gossip tabloid "Confidential" magazine, which ran in publication from 1952 to 1978. And that's probably where the 1955 gangster saga "New York Confidential" got its title as well. Both film noirs dish out the dirt on the sleazy world of crime and corruption in the underworld on both sides...$一个简单的辛迪加狗咬狗的故事就够黑了,编剧似乎还嫌不够非要扯上一堆不相干的。不到90分钟的片长,前面一个多小时都没找到重点。讽刺的结尾小小加回一点分。Conte演这种角色太浪费。$故事的构思不错但是电影的完成度不够高,在执行的过程中有点犹豫不决,东一榔头西一棒子 。。。浪费了几个好演员的演技。。。女主的命运太戏剧化,怎么就这样胡乱的处理了呢,最后的结尾还算可以但是并不出人预料毕竟除了这个结果以外男主也不可能有啥别的结果了。。。$标题像是警匪题材,但彼时大概没有这样的共识。故事有点简单粗暴,不过演员都很棒。Conte黑色电影看过不少了,似乎受害人多而拿枪的少见。