In 1889 Dr Thaddeus Northcote fell victim to a curse by his spurned mistress, Egyptian Selima Al-Sharad, and died in the garden of his house, Green Lanterns,in mysterious circumstances that were never explained. A hundred years later Emily Somerton and her friend have a traumatic experience in the country and twenty years later Emily is plucked from working in a shoe shop by ch...$平常基本都直接记录在第一季“剧评”里,这篇比较特别,第三个trick实在是意想不到,虽然还是不少运气成分在里头,但那种看到解说才有种醍醐灌顶的感觉,那种简直就像动作电影的紧凑感,不是经常有,我记得上次最深刻的一次要数S1E2里的Jack in the box了。第二个空旷草地上杀人也是蛮厉害的。$开场小谜就很出彩,主谜设计精巧。只是中间那个太玄。$一个诡计有点儿扯,一个还不错。剧情、剧名、结局都不够好,感觉还不如普通的一集有意思。$SP里头比较惊艳的一篇了。$三星半 房屋消失和草地上冒出的老人 空旷草地杀人之谜 灯泡爆炸和画像 坠楼之谜