The remarkable story of 43-year-old Sudan, the very last male northern white rhino on the planet. Aged just three, Sudan was snatched from his mother’s side in Central Africa. He became a prized exhibit in a zoo behind the Iron Curtain, while the rest of his kind was poached to extinction in the wild. Today, Sudan has become an unwitting celebrity and the focus of a desperate e...$有些地方不够立得住,就像讲苏丹的故事却变成了白唇犀牛的局$动物们做错了什么,要遭受人类这样的虐待?很心痛,也感激那些为保护动物而尽力的人们。什么时候我们才能真正平等的看待地球上所有的生灵?$去了另一个地方,所幸你并不孤单.白鳍豚,渡渡鸟,袋狼,北美旅鸽,台湾云豹......还有你的家人都会陪你. 对不起啊...$💔$很心酸 有过完美的开头 现在却看不到希望