CHRISTINE is a working actress fading into obscurity. Day by day, she works tirelessly with the futile hope of her career getting a second wind. As countless others in Los Angeles, she blindly follows her dream like a moth to flame, taking a toll on her family and herself. 三星半。飞蛾扑火的。开头很抓人(试镜),短短十几分钟讲述了一个不年轻的女人的演员梦。最后的破茧成蛾有一丢丢被吓到。没有镜头是多余的,一气呵成。@她·女性月特别放映$#「她」—女性月特别放映# 破了茧,成了“我”。$#minute国际短片节ISFF#人是蛹的立意还挺好的。$才华横溢 长得也帅$还挺喜欢影像的