The Half Brother revolves around the life of a family spanning five generations in the 20th century. The book opens in Berlin in 1990, at the film festival, as the Berlin wall is still coming down. It ends in Oslo the day after. But the story begins with Vera, Barnum's mother, on V Day, 1945. At a local level the story is about the half brothers Barnum and Fred growing up toget...$五星给轰母 沉醉在颜中$哈哈哈轰母被推下去那段好搞笑啊哈哈哈。你走路怎么这个样子在这个cut里面也出现了,历史总是惊人的相似啊哈哈哈。前面评论说轰母的角色像个傻大个的也好搞笑哈哈哈。不过有颜有腿笑容还能治愈我的人也没谁了!金发好嫩好可爱哟~$故事好 前面拍的也好 后面越来越烂$完全是冲着holm来的,治愈系金发美少年真是太美好了$只看了轰母的cut不好评价,满屏都是轰母的大长腿,和同龄小朋友比较起来更吓人了。