In the rural outskirts of Gaza City a small community of farmers, the Samouni extended family, is about to celebrate a wedding. It's going to be the first celebration since the latest war. Amal, Fuad, their brothers and cousins have lost their parents, their houses and their olive trees. The neighborhood where they live is being rebuilt. As they replant trees and plow fields, t...$2009年以色列对加沙一次情报错误的“斩首”行动,误杀了29个手无寸铁的平民,这些平民都姓萨摩尼。如果不是导演的剪辑水平太弱(尤其前半段)和风格突变的CG动画,作为纪录片完全可以更具震撼力...$4.5$尽管一些地方有风格的断裂,但这段无法回避的历史仍旧让人触目惊心。$以色列人的直升机悬停的时候 我看到无所不为的神降临在这片土地(就像曾经印第安人对西班牙冒险家或是未来人类面对外星来客)多年的追踪拍摄让人敬佩。替换失落画面的手法印象深刻 #Cannes2018$采用真人纪录片与CG动画相结合的手法,通过一家人的境遇,将以巴冲突的残酷与非人道呈现于银幕上。