What can a sexless middle aged married man, whose life now consists mainly of watching Scooby Doo cartoons with a four year old boy, possibly find to write comedy about? Formerly stand-up's youthful iconoclast, Lee now gawps blankly at News 24 as Britain burns down around him, and blinks weirdly at the vast wayside retail outlets during endless journeys to and from increasingly...$拯救了我的星期五(覺得Michael McIntyre和Lee Mack也不錯的人中了幾箭_(:з」∠)_$他真的太聪明了,而我太笨了$Stewart Lee,懂英国单口喜剧的人会特别推崇的一位大师。这个专场真正地做到有“剧”的感觉。第一遍没能完全看懂,就像看了一部文艺电影或者先锋话剧,会反复刷的。“那一堆貌似不相干的东西,人,概念,事物,也能够,假如按照正确顺序串联,加上一定程度的敏锐感受,也能留下作为完整整体的印象。”$英国人总是这么清奇$絕了