Faye (Sarah French), a former actress that lost her vision due to botched laser eye surgery, struggles to put her life back together while living alone in her dream house in the Hollywood Hills. Supported by her friend Sophia (Caroline Williams), she starts opening up to Luke (Tyler Gallant), a personal trainer who is mute and can only communicate through his cell phone. When a...$瞎眼女主是怎么做到家里进人了警察走后居然还能在家放着音乐陶醉其中跳舞的?不该感到恐惧和警觉吗?还有她是怎么给自己画眼线粘睫毛的?就算她以前做久了演员也不至于达到闭着眼都能把自己的眼睛化妆的那么正常吧。剧情节奏还可以,让人满意的是结尾的处理,没拖泥带水干净利落结束$我为什么要浪费一个半小时…$邻居是变态护花使者,想表达什么?$imdb 5.1