The fifteenth season of The Real Housewives of Orange County, an American reality television series, is broadcast on Bravo. It premiered on October 14, 2020, and is primarily filmed in Orange County, California. Its executive producers are Adam Karpel, Alex Baskin, Douglas Ross, Gregory Stewart, Scott Dunlop, Stephanie Boyriven and Andy Cohen. The Real Housewives of Orange Coun...$kelly终于被炒了……不过kelly最厉害的就是可以疯到逼的那些自以为很有风度的人丢到风度,Braunwyn真的……为了出名疯了吧,一会是自称酒精上瘾,又是儿子出柜从事变装皇后,然后宣布自己出柜,再又是宣布找到女朋友,再和老公不离婚……引用nene名言“girl…i mean pls…shut up that is so stupid!!!!”