Alys,a human trafficking victim who narrowly escaped her captors ten years ago, confronts her traumatic past when a relative leaves her his remote, snowbound mansion. Although the new house first presents the promise of a new chapter in her life, Alys is soon besieged by strange hallucinations and deadly adversaries and must fight to survive while keeping her sanity intact… ???全程催眠,女主是精神病,双重人格,老变态杀人魔囚禁她,渐渐爱上她比较骚的那个人格,骚人格也比较配合他,结果在死后给女主留了一套房,女主也回到了被害人格,且被骗去住了那个房子,在那里都是女主一个人独角戏,想东想西瞎想,最后可能是逃出魔爪后的后遗症吧这能理解,但不能一直被害妄想症吧,不能一直那么无聊没剧情吧……总算出现了个男的,没出场几分钟嗝屁了……???没看的别看了,无聊到爆,浪费时间,后悔!...$贴图完毕,转战下一个~$【01:34:18】