It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest fo...$兄妹太丑了。里面每个人都是神经病,受不了了!竟然是配音,我说怎么口型诡异地对不上!$给法国版一个赞 中世纪后期教廷的严重腐朽 最迷那些中世纪的冰冷的修道院$比起SHOWTIME版的卢妹变丑变乡土了 = - =Cesare的镜头好少…也不妹控了....教皇也不呆萌…就Giulia比showtime版顺眼些,外貌协会的表示看不下去了……$这教皇太闹心了,儿子不想做红衣主教,非得让他做,女儿想当修女,偏不让她当,把精明的小儿子送去敌人那里当质子,让混账二儿子当罗马执政官,也就看女人的品味尚可。中二少年切萨雷整季都在罪孽感与自我献祭的冲动里挣扎。乔瓦尼被这一家衬托得人畜无害,毕竟和波吉亚比起来,每一个美第奇都可以上天堂。最后一集拍了些啥玩意??$法国版本果然不如美国版那么精致华丽,不过重口味程度倒差不多~~~