Shocking as it may be – this movie shows a unique viewpoint of a boy/ young man- the storyline is full with possible answers to the question – why Jürgen committed the horrible crimes portrayed in the movie. I can hardly believe that someone will see this movie and fill find the guilt in the only boy himself – the parents and the surroundings of Jürgen played their role too to ...$这种变态的故事不应当出现。$豆瓣上居然无其德语片名$伪纪实片。每次看变态杀手回忆童年的时候总是有点难过。虽然可恨之人必有可怜之处这句话不百分百全对 好些反社会人格的形的确扎根于家庭因素和幼年经历。我是很有了解一个凶手的成长历程 不为洗白 至少也是一种起码的尊重 不论对生者还是逝者$263M。不是同性,就是一个恋童癖,后来从虐杀当中得到快感。居然死于主动要求去势手术的麻醉过量,那个人不是故意的吧?内心剖析得很彻底。$我从未年少