The Age of Animals (2014) is a somewhat different beast (pun intended) in that it features not found footage but rather contemporary video footage Biermann himself shot in the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, the Vatican, and the Bronx Zoo. However, Biermann applies similar manipulations to this footage, producing a complex three-dimensional illusion in which foreground ...$内外方圆两重透镜,自然博物馆,梵蒂冈和野生动物园三段影像资料,以及宗教音乐,寂静和关于气候变暖与生物灭绝的解说三段音轨排列组合,天旋地转之余不难发现亮点,讲解声每次戛然而止的剪辑选择很有趣,但全片看完多少还是会觉得冗长。