This American Indie drama follows several endearing characters as they wade through life seeking happiness, peace and ultimately, love. Will (Ronnie Kerr, Vampire Boys 2, Shut Up and Kiss Me) leaves the Navy after many years, soon reunites old friends and begins to start his new civilian life. His friend Rich (Bruce L Hart) tries to set him up with ruggedly handsome Josh (Ian R...$连上半身都只有一个场景的,导演找这些人来演不亏吗$小成本电影就不吐槽了┐(‘~`;)┌$啊啊啊啊,忽略狗血剧情和莫名的剪辑,看两个都是我菜的憨憨男人吃醋恋爱多幸福啊我居然可以无字幕看懂60%了,加一星$Will就是我梦中的乖乖男友形象。$2.5吧