Joyless. Severe. Fanatical. "Haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." That's the Puritan reputation. But to what extent is that reputation deserved? Drawing on the latest research, and featuring interviews with some of the most celebrated scholars in the field, this beautiful and atmospheric new documentary takes us from the birth of Puritanism all the way th...$早该看完《殉道史》就看的!$向清教徒学习~$令人感动$我愿接住这圣灵的宝剑。$近些年,在努力尝试通过文字了解那段运动中的圣徒们,但接受的大多是些碎片化的信息。本片概括性回顾了那段历史、人物和他们的属灵遗产与影响,看完后,自己的心情久久未能平复。