Would you confess to a crime you did not commit? Each year innumerable American suspects do, and experts say that trained interrogators can get anybody to confess to anything. Defense attorney Jane Fisher-Byrialsen is determined to put an end to interrogation techniques that all too often pressure innocent people into false confessions. 人啊,真的很神奇,改变记忆尤甚于在别人的强扭之下,竟然可以开始怀疑自己是否做过一件事情,甚至进入良久的自责也紊乱自己原本的正常生活。但恶心的,就是那波施加外力的人,所谓的略施小计、必要技术,助推人进入因为自我怀疑而诞生的囹圄,罪不可恕。