Family Feud is an American television game show created by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman. Two families compete against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. The format, which originated in the United States, airs in numerous local formats worldwide. 上头了$很幼稚的幽默,是一种很干枯的幼稚,没格局了,李思捷炒这个节目更加枯燥🤣听说育碧制作了这个游戏🤣🤣🤣那tvb还是叫ea制作吧🤣🤣🤣$哪里能找到全集?$Name a fruit which has color of yellow - orange 笑cry$挺有意思的家庭对抗游戏节目