Erika is excited when Lisa Rinna introduces her friend, famous actress Denise Richards, to the group. Lisa Vanderpump struggles to come to terms with her grief after a personal tragedy. At Kyle's pool party, Dorit is concerned that Teddi will twist information about her family's dog and use it against her. 不管K妹怎么和太后撕,最后两个人一定会和好$为了看撕逼活生生把听力练好了。$Lisa Rinna 简直烦死了,故作岁月静好的样子还是偷偷暗戳戳做搅屎棍,LVP虽然挺阴险,但是提供那么多drama还有聚会下车又少了看点了。。然后最喜欢的camille也被撕下车了,圣母teddi却还在,然后一想到第十季还来了两个新的cast都是大嘴朋友,不会再看了。$这季完全为了童年女神Denise Richards看的,结果还挺有趣的哈哈$WOW,K妹再也不是那个和Camila撕逼之后担心害怕影响老公生意的小咖了。