Reeling from Kordell's shocking divorce offensive play, Porsha struggles to accept that her troubled marriage is really in the end zone. Phaedra and Apollo can't see eye to eye when it comes to decorating their new house or caring for their new baby boy. Todd put a ring on it, but Kandi holds back from making wedding plans because Mama Joyce has lost that lovin' feelin'. Back f...$nene真讨厌$nene越来越讨厌了,演了几个破电视剧就整个人膨胀到爆炸。啃鸭吵架技能破表,别人都插不进嘴,I have 99 problems but dick isn't one of them, 太经典了。Andy Cohen快来睡我!$娇妻巅峰惹,人类奇观一种$娇妻系列的巅峰惹$这一季💯💯💯💯